
Revision as of 15:32, 25 July 2023 by Carl Gent (talk | contribs)
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Produced as part of Chief Complaint, a solo show by Erica Scourti at ALMANAC, London. 02 October—03 November 2018.

Excerpts of interview with Scourti about Advice From The Fallen, conducted by Carl Gent and (poorly) transcribed by on 25th July 2023:

'Yeah. Hmm, yeah. Hmm. Yeah, I mean that might be the... I mean, I can... Yeah, I mean I could probably... Mmm. Exactly. I mean, so I mean we could do we could do both... But it might I mean, the more fun thing is to just have a chat now and like talk about why like how it came about, when it became apparently wanted to do as a publication and what the point of the publication was. Yeah. in case I was in trouble with this. Bye. Okay. Hmm. Yeah. I think that was a cool concept. Mm. That's how the piece is painted. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. So... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. like the waveform and the kind of volume and the timbre and things like this. I see, okay. Yeah, yeah. Mmm, yes. Hmm. Hmm. Interesting. Yeah, okay. Uh huh. or human transcription, so it's inaccurate... Yeah. I think like, there is was- there was a lot of this because it was almost kind of using the phone as like a standing therapist or friend yeah Yeah. when you kind of... That's fine. Yeah. I'm more obsessed with recently. Yeah, yeah. That's also where the title comes from. Okay. And that's from the Fallen. Okay, yeah. Nice. Yeah, or if it was something she had checked... And what I might do actually is, because I've like recorded this, I might stick it into a transcription software and then use that as the statement, as that's like, yeah, that would make sense, wouldn't it? That's fun, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, cool. Yeah, definitely, super appropriate. Cool, amazing, that's really ideal... Where's the drawing from as well? This is the front cover. One of them is from Langswell. Yeah, I think that's no that's on the front one. Yeah, that's the front image. Yeah There's a cat Yeah, for sure. Uh, like that cat what itchy that the one that it wasn't called that but that's what rebecca called it Yeah amazing Amazing. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, so good. Ah! Yeah, that's really nice and like the kind of weight and the size of the pamphlet is super fragile and slight and kind of Yeah, like Has got this like Easily distributable kind of life to it as well, which I really think yeah matches the kind of weight and the lightness of What's inside as well?... Yeah. Go with this. I think that's the name of this creature, the PDF, but the name says no. Yeah, definitely. That makes sense.'