Search Tools

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DAAP search tools

There are two types of search interfaces in the DAAP. A keyword search interface, which you can interact with via the input box in the top right corner of the database interface. The second interface is an advanced search tool, which uses the linked data structure of Wikibase to query for more complex data relations, not keywords. This second interface uses a query language called SPARQL (pronounce “sparkle”). This page will outline a sample workflow with this interface which does not require coding skills.

SPARQL query interface tutorial workflow

Step 1

Start by accessing the search query interface to the DAAP here.

This interface is based on the public query interface provided by Wikidata. Our instance is called DockerWikibaseQueryService, because it is an access point to the DAAP’s private Wikibase instead of the public Wikidata database. This tutorial will guide you through using the “Query Helper” interface (highlighted in the image below), which is a graphic user interface. If you don’t see the “Query Helper” interface immediately, click the “info” icon in the top left corner below the wiki logo image.

There are further tutorials suggested in the end of this page, which you can follow for instructions on more advanced use including writing your own SPARQL queries from scratch.