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The content of the fifth issue of Control Magazine shows a considerable difference from the statements that made up the first issue. Fundamentally the concepts that Control Magazine is proposing are directly opposed to the art establishment structure. The magazine has been developing conceptual models, the policy with earlier issues being that a platform was set up and artists from different, and perhaps opposed stances being asked to comment or operate from it. Issue five acts differently: it is made up of artists and theorists that are either thinking within the area that concerns the magazine or are operating with them. Text source: Editorial, Control Magazine Issue No. 5. Contributors:

Laurie Burt

Don Mason

Logie Barrow, 'A Too-Summary'

John Sharkey, 'The Art of Controlled Tradition'

Rick Oginz, 'The Artist’s Role when Machines Think'

Roy Ascott, 'Behaviourables and Futuribles'

Douglas Sandle, 'Society and the Behavioural Artist'

Stephen Willats, 'The Artist as a Structurist of Behaviour'

Artists Placement Group, 'APG since 1965 … from various papers'"