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MATERIAL is a journal started by artists interested in the writings of other artists. We are a home for divergent opinions, uses, and appropriations of language, encouraging "speculations and appreciations, rantings if need be, phantasies, lectures, nocturnes...and inventions."(*). We solicit friction and conviviality both, from a wide community of artists. (*)The poet Robert Duncan (1919-1988), from an unpublished piece; quoted in Contemporary Poets, 4th ed. Contributing Artists: Becky Beasley, Olivia Booth, Andrea Büttner, Nicholas Grider, Marie Jager, Peter Kirby, Darrren O'Donnell, Katrina Palmer, Hirsch Perlman, Olivier Richon, Charlotte Smith, Roman Vasseur. Editorial Board: Doris Cypis, Thomas Lawson, Jonathan Miles, Olivier Richon, John Stezaker. Design: Catherine Guiral, Quentin Walesch at 3N17, Berlin.